I'm Roz.
I like to code, draw and work with people.

(Welcome! Howdy!)

About Me

A cartoon of me drawing

My name is Roz Townsend. I have a habit of gnawing on problems until they’re solved. The dopamine hit that comes with being satisfied that you’ve solved a puzzle? Mmm! Love it!

I'm in my element collaborating with international teams from varying backgrounds and industries. I've got experience in web development and education. I'm eager to put my new skills to work - and continue learning!

I'm currently looking for positions based in Europe or the United States, but I'm open to other opportunities as well.

I initially built this website with HTML5, SCSS, Bootstrap 5, and smattering of JavaScript, but this site is admittedly a couple years old now. I'm currently reworking my portfolio to better showcase my skills, so stay tuned!

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My Projects

I am working on new projects continuously, so expect frequent updates!

Why Am I Sneezing?! (AKA Sneezy)

Why am I sneezing?!

This is a JavaScript project I've been toying with that gives you the hourly pollen info at a glance.

Tools Used: HTML/SCSS, JavaScript, Vite, Git.

Swedish Driver's License Quiz

Swedish Driver's License Quiz

This is a React Project I'm working on for the Swedish Driver's license test. It currently has questions for the first section of the Swedish DL Theory test.

Tools Used: HTML/CSS, React, Git.

Regina Bakery Group Project

Regina Bakery Site

This was a group project wrapping up the HTML/CSS module for my front-end developer course. I worked closely with my team, heading meetings and follow-ups to field any technical issues. I did the Figma design, completed the header, footer and landing page.

Tools Used: Figma, HTML/CSS, SCSS, Bootstrap 5, Git.

World Affairs Council Tacoma

WAC Tacoma website

A website built with the WildApricot CRM Platform. I redesigned this website twice using WildApricot's template system over the five years I was with this organization, and used widgets, style overrides and other tools to keep the website current. I also coordinated with the board members in writing copy and tied that content in with wider marketing campaigns on Constant Contact, Facebook and Twitter. I generated all graphics assets myself with the exception of the logo and stock photography.

Tools Used: HTML/CSS, Canva, Google Analytics.

WAC Tacoma (via Internet Archive)


"Roz was instrumental in maintaining the website and social media channels for our small non-profit organization. She made sure to send out timely, well-crafted email blasts and effective posts. Roslyn was organized, professional and on-top of the multiple demands inherent in running a small organization. The website is a critical tool for our organization, and she made sure it was compelling and relevant."

Marcia Garrett, Board Chair
World Affairs Council Tacoma

"Roslyn was one of my students in IT: Front-end Developer at Sundsgårdens Folkhögskola in 2021. Roslyn was such a joy to have in my class. During the course, Roslyn often helped and inspired her fellow students which showed that she not only cared about the other students and that they trusted and respected her, but that she also understood the material well enough to help other people understand it, too. She has an eye for details and design and holds herself and her work to a high standard. Her code was always of good quality and by the end of the course she was creating complex and well-functioning websites. I would jump at the opportunity to work with Roslyn again."

Michelle Andersson, Course Director
Sundsgården Front-End Developer Program